14 research outputs found


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    Indonesia merupakan suatu wilayah yang termasuk ke dalam jalur Ring Of Fire , mempesona keindahan panoramanya, sehingga banyak menarik turis negara asing untuk datang dan melihat keindahannya tersebut. Selain itu Indonesia adalah negara yang sering sekali mengalami bencana alam, mulai dari banjir , gunung meletus sampai ke Tsunami , Indonesia berada pada lokasi geografis yang rawan bencana. Bencana bisa disebabkan oleh faktor alam maupun akibat perilaku yang tidak bertanggung jawab dalam memanfaatkan dan mengelola sumber daya alam (SDA) dan lingkungan. Di beberapa daerah Wilayah Indonesia contoh bencana yang sedang melanda negeri ini. Sejauh ini telah tersedia perangkat regulasi penanggulangan bencana yang memberikan kerangka penanggulangan bencana, meliputi prabencana, tanggap darurat, dan pascabencana. Meskipun Undang-Undang telah menggariskan ketentuan penanggulangan bencana yang komprehensif, sejauh ini penanggulangan masih fokus pada masalah tanggap darurat. Tindakan lanjut seperti mitigasi, rehabilitasi, dan rekonstruksi serta pemulihan dalam bentuk psikis serta pengetahuan mengenai cara mengatasinya nampak belum menjadi prioritas utama dari aktivitas penanggulangan bencana. Persoalan lain yang masih tercecer adalah koordinasi, kecepatan pertolongan, ketepatan bantuan, dan kemerataan distribusi logistik. Yang masih menjadi urgensi untuk pemerintah dalam hal menjamin ketapatan sasaran bantuan pada saat terjadinya bencana


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    Kekerasan berbasis gender (gender based violence) merupakan tindak kekerasan diakibatkan oleh relasi yang timpang antara perempuan dengan laki-laki dan ditandai dengan relasi yang powerlees dan powerful antara keduanya. Berbagai kekerasan spesifik gender tidak dapat dilepaskan dari konteks nilai-nilai dan pandangan kultural serta ideologi patriarkhi yang selalu memposisikan perempuan sebagai objek dan berada dipihak yang tertindas dimana hal tersebut telah memasuki semua struktur kehidupan.  Tinjauan teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini pertama, teori kekerasan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis terjadinya kekerasan terhadap perempuan, kedua prinsip kesetaraan gender yang akan menjadi pisau analisis dalam membahas posisi perempuan dalam perspektif hak asasi manusia. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis-normatif, dengan maksud dan tujuan untuk menemukan fakta hukum, kemudian diteruskan dengan menemukan masalah (problem-finding), kemudian mengidentifikasi masalah (problem-identification), dan kemudian mencari penyelesaian dari masalah (problem-solution), adapun pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan statute approach. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif.   Kata Kunci: Kekerasan terhadap perempuan, Kesetaraan Gender, Hak Asasi ManusiaKekerasan berbasis gender (gender based violence) merupakan tindak kekerasan diakibatkan oleh relasi yang timpang antara perempuan dengan laki-laki dan ditandai dengan relasi yang powerlees dan powerful antara keduanya. Berbagai kekerasan spesifik gender tidak dapat dilepaskan dari konteks nilai-nilai dan pandangan kultural serta ideologi patriarkhi yang selalu memposisikan perempuan sebagai objek dan berada dipihak yang tertindas dimana hal tersebut telah memasuki semua struktur kehidupan.  Tinjauan teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini pertama, teori kekerasan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis terjadinya kekerasan terhadap perempuan, kedua prinsip kesetaraan gender yang akan menjadi pisau analisis dalam membahas posisi perempuan dalam perspektif hak asasi manusia. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis-normatif, dengan maksud dan tujuan untuk menemukan fakta hukum, kemudian diteruskan dengan menemukan masalah (problem-finding), kemudian mengidentifikasi masalah (problem-identification), dan kemudian mencari penyelesaian dari masalah (problem-solution), adapun pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan statute approach. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif.   Kata Kunci: Kekerasan terhadap perempuan, Kesetaraan Gender, Hak Asasi Manusi

    Policy On Natural Disaster Response to Guarantee the Principles of Post-Disaster Assistance

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    Indonesia is an area belonging to the Ring Of Fire line, fascinating the beauty of the panoramic, so attract much foreign tourists to come and see its beauty. Furthermore Indonesia is a country that often experience natural disasters, Indonesia Located in a geographical location that is prone to disaster. Disasters can be caused by both natural and behavioral factors for utilizing and managing natural resources. In some areas of Indonesia, disasters examples that hit the country. So far, there are available disaster management regulation tools, which provides disaster management framework, Pre-disaster comprehend, emergency response, and post-disaster. Although the law has outlined comprehensive disaster management provisions, so far is still focused on the emergency response period. Further actions such as mitigation, rehabilitation and reconstruction appear not to be a top priority of disaster management activities. Other issues that are still scattered are coordination, rescue aid, appropriateness of assistance, and logistic distribution. Key words: Policy, Disaster, Aid, BNPB, Environmen

    Criminal Customary Of Baduy Society

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    The existence of Baduy community in Lebak Regency is classified into 3 (three) groups, namely: a. Inner Baduy (Urang Kanekes); b. Outer Baduy (Urang Panamping); c. Baduy Dangka. In general, it can be described that the first group called the Baduy Dalam (Urang Kanekes) community is a society that obeys the entire rules or rules set by Pu'un (Kepala Adat). Baduy Dalam community lives in 3 (three) villages of Cibeo, Cikartawana, and Cikeusik. Related to the custom law in Baduy Dalam, for its adherents there is the enforcement of customary law, that is with the enforcement of customary criminal law for the offenders are subject to strict sanctions.One is the customary criminal society Baduy Dalam which provides social crime penalties for the community Banduy In violation of customary law. Philosophically Social work penalty is in harmony with the fifth principle of Pancasila, which is social justice for all the people of Indonesia, in which the value of hard work is included. In carrying out the social work crime, the convicted person is required to work hard in serving the crime. Social work crime is the "indigenous culture" of the Indonesian nation, because in Indonesian customary law is not known criminal deprivation of independence, namely imprisonment and imprisonment. The conformity of values adopted by the Indonesian nation with the values of social work crime is a driving force in the successful implementation of social work crime

    Perbandingan Kebijakan Sistem Big Data Di Indonesia Dan Uni Eropa

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    Human rights are individual privacy that must or must be protected by the state and recognized internationally. Privacy protection is regulated in article 28 G paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution. Government regulations in Indonesia are quite a lot in regulating individual privacy on personal data but have not been firm enough and clear in regulating the protection and confidentiality of individual privacy, especially those stored in big data. The development of big data in Indonesia is very rapid somany parties have taken advantage of business by managing the data of Indonesian citizens in the system he made. However, this has not been matched by regulatory reforms and the existence of legal certainty over information security standards applied in the big data system so that the data owner suffers a loss if there is a violation of his personal data. The results of this study are comparing and analyzing the regulations in force in Indonesia with the General Data Protection Regulations which have effectively been in effect in the European Union since 2018

    Appropriate Natural Disaster Management Policy in Guarantee Accuracy of Target Post Disaster Assistance

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    Indonesia is a region that disaster-affected which often arise, it is because of Indonesia is an equatorial boundary is the line where a slab of earth impact of catastrophes. Against such conditions it is with the frequent disasters continue to occur so it is necessary prepared in disaster response. So far it has provided device regulatory disaster management, namely Law No. 24 of 2007 which provides a framework for disaster management, including pre-disaster, emergency response and post-disaster. Indonesia is a country that is very rich, dazzling beauty of the panorama, so many interesting foreign tourists to come and see the beauty. In addition, Indonesia is a country that often mengalmi natural disasters, ranging from floods, volcanoes to the tsunami, Indonesia is a disaster-prone geographical location. Disasters can be caused by natural factors and due to the irresponsible behavior of the use and management of natural resources (SDA) and the environment. Although the law has outlined a comprehensive disaster management provisions, so far the response is still focused on emergency response issues. Further action such as mitigation, rehabilitation and reconstruction seems not be the main priority of disaster management activities. Another problem that is still experiencing problems is coordination, speed of relief, aid accuracy and evenness of distribution logistics. Institutional: On the mandate of Law 24/2007 also institutional been formed National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) at the regional level throughout and Indonesia. BNPB also formed a technical executing unit area (UPTD) 12 units. BNPB Institution supported by trained human resources (HR) who are ready to be deployed to the hardest terrain even though this certainly must be supported by adequate and measurable funding in the APBN (state budget) and APBD (regional budget). Institutional Strengthening: Grand designs required in order to strengthen institutional capacity and disaster management standard that is fast, responsive, and professional in accordance with international standards. Key words: Policy, Disaster Relief, On Targe

    Criminal Customary Of Baduy Society

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    The existence of Baduy community in Lebak Regency is classified into 3 (three) groups, namely: a. Inner Baduy (Urang Kanekes); b. Outer Baduy (Urang Panamping); c. Baduy Dangka. In general, it can be described that the first group called the Baduy Dalam (Urang Kanekes) community is a society that obeys the entire rules or rules set by Pu'un (Kepala Adat). Baduy Dalam community lives in 3 (three) villages of Cibeo, Cikartawana, and Cikeusik. Related to the custom law in Baduy Dalam, for its adherents there is the enforcement of customary law, that is with the enforcement of customary criminal law for the offenders are subject to strict sanctions.One is the customary criminal society Baduy Dalam which provides social crime penalties for the community Banduy In violation of customary law. Philosophically Social work penalty is in harmony with the fifth principle of Pancasila, which is social justice for all the people of Indonesia, in which the value of hard work is included. In carrying out the social work crime, the convicted person is required to work hard in serving the crime. Social work crime is the "indigenous culture" of the Indonesian nation, because in Indonesian customary law is not known criminal deprivation of independence, namely imprisonment and imprisonment. The conformity of values adopted by the Indonesian nation with the values of social work crime is a driving force in the successful implementation of social work crim


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    Recently the human rights enforcement is not dominant expression of individualism, but is has already become an understanding of a basic right born as a blessing from the All Mighty God; therefore it makes the understanding of the human right generally more humanistic and it is formed is a right sticked on the human destiny. Whenever titer is a human right violation, our country must protect the victims of the human right violation based on the international referrences on the human rights enforcement. The human right violation is against the religious values, ettiquettes and Pancasila morality. In Indonesian Criminal Law, human right violation is a very serious problem so that it needs to formed in Criminal Law Policies based on the international instrument about human right. It is an effort from the government to protect the victims'interest in the violation, since the criminal law which is applied in Indonesia so far protects the doer's interests than that of the victims of the crime; in this case the human right victims are included. Furthermore it deals with the human right victims which are caused by the mass riot like the one happened in Banyuwangi with the case of sorcerer. The mass riot happened in Banyuwangi and the sorcerer rumors in 1998 caused the victims of the human right violation which includes the primary victims and secondary ones appeared after the law enforcement is done. The sorcerer case in Banyuwangi is not a new thing anymore, but it has happened so fat and it becomes a peak after the reformation in 1998 with the reason in the mass violation that happened in some cities in Indonesia, the doers are not taken into the court. Besides, the sorcerer and the witch practice as a methaphysic crime is not taken care in. the Indonesian regulation. Meanwhile, the law protection aplication towards the human right victims is noted in the regulation about the human right and dealing with the human right. court. The application of the law protection towards the human right victims is not done yet, since the applied regulation in the human right court regulation especially dealing with the law on the victims is not available. Therefore, to support the application of the law protection towards the human right victims needs to be formed with the application in giving the compensation and restitution for the human right victims. Pada saat ini penegakan hak asasi manusia bukan lagi dominan menjadi perwujudan paham individualisnr dan liberalisme, tetapi sudah menjadi pemahaman sebagai hak dasar yang lahir sebagi anugerah dari Winn Yang Matta Esa, sehingga menjadikan pemahainan tentang hak asasi manusia (HAM) yang secara umum lebih manusiawi dan dirumuskan sebagai hak yang melekat dengan kodrat manusia. Dalam hal terjadi pelanggaran hak asasi manusia (HAM), negara wajib melindungi korban pelanggaran HAM dengan mengacu pada berbagai instrumen intemasional tentang penegakan HAM. Terlebih lagi pelanggaran HAM dipandang bertentangan dengan ni ai-nilai agama, etika, dan moral Pancasila. Di dalam bidang hukum pidana di Indonesia, pelanggaran HAM merupakan masalah yang serius sehingga perlu dirumuskan dalam kebijakan hukum pidana dengan mengacu pada instrumen internasional tentang penegakan HAM. Ini merupakan upaya bagi pemerintah untuk melindungi kepentingan korban (victim) pelanggaran HAM, karena hukum acara pidana yang berlaku di Indonesia selama ini lebih melindungi kepentingan velaku daripada korban kejahatan, termasuk di dalamnya korban pelanggaran HAM. Apalagi korban pelanggaran HAM yang disebabkan oleh kerusuhan massal seperti yang terjadi di Banyuwangi dengan isu dukun santet. Kerusuhan massal yang terjadi di Banyuwangi dengan isu dukun santet pada tahun 1998 menimbulkan korban pelanggaran hak asasi manusia yang tidak sedikit jumlahnya, yang meliputi primary victim dan secondary victim yang timbul kemudian setelah proses penegakan hukum berlangsung. Isu dukun santet yang marak di Banyuwangi bukanlah sesuatu yang baru, tetapi sudah lama berlangsung dan menjadi puncaknya setelah reformasi bergulir pada tahun 1998 dengan alasan dalam kerusuhan massal yang terjadi di beberapa kota di Indonesia, pelakunya tidak terjerat oleh hukUm. Disamping itu, perilaku dukun santet dan sihir dipandang jahat sehingga bagi pelakunya patut diadili oleh massa, serta keberadaan santet dan sihir sebagai kejahatan metafisis belum diatur di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Sedangkan realisai perrlindungan hukum terhadap korban pelanggaran HAM dituangkan ke dalam UU Hak Asasi Manusia dan UU tentang Pengadilan Hak Asasi Manusia. Realisasi perlindungan huktun terhadap korban pelanggaran HAM belum dapat terlaksana, mengingat peraturan pelaksana yang terdapat dalam UU Pengadilan. HAM, khususnya tentang perlindungan hukum terhadap korban belum tersedia. Oleh karena itu untuk mendukung pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap korban pelanggaran HAM perlu diundangkan peraturan pelaksananya dengan disertai dengan realisasi yang berupa pemberian ganti rugi, kompensasi, dan restitusi terhadap korban pelanggaran HAM


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    The Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) is one of the criminal acts that is relatively new and interesting to review. Discussing money laundering offenses means having to discuss predicate crimes. The Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) or better known as money laundering is a further criminal act or layering crime. The predicate offense is referred to in Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering (PPTPPU). In the explanation of Article 74 of the PPTPPU Law as conditional constitutional, the explanation interprets the phrase "investigator of predicate crimes", must be interpreted as "an official or agency that is authorized by laws and regulations to carry out investigations". There are six institutions that have the authority to investigate money laundering offenses, namely the Indonesian National Police, the Attorney General's Office, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), the Directorate General of Taxes and the Customs and Excise Directorate of the Ministry of Finance. Thus, not all "predicate crime investigators" can conduct ML investigations. The only authorized civil servants as investigators of money laundering offenses are Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS) for Taxes and Customs and Excise Civil Service Investigators. This is the official interpretation given by the legislator himself, which is contained in the explanation section of Article 74 of the PPTPPU Law. This raises problems for the The Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) law enforcement process because it must be handed over to other law enforcers who are authorized to conduct The Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) investigations or delegated to police investigators for separate investigations (splitsing). However, the controversy over the interpretation of Article 74 of the Money Laundering Law was resolved by the Constitutional Court Decision Number 15/PUU-XIX/2021, which expanded the meaning of 'predicate criminal investigator' in the provisions of Article 74 of PPTPPU Law. So, all PPNS who have investigated the 'predicate crime' given by law are authorized to conduct TTPU investigations. This study uses a normative juridical method, which examines using an approach based on legislation, theories and legal concepts. Simultaneous investigations between the investigation of predicate crimes and money laundering are in line with the principles of case handling, namely simple, fast and low cost. By being given the authority to investigate TTPU to “predicate crime investigators”, it is hoped that case handling and law enforcement of TTPU can run quickly, simply, more optimally and effectively


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    Penguatan kewenangan DPD khususnya dalam menghadapi Masyarakat Komunitas ASEAN memiliki tantangan tersendiri dalam kondisi internalnya dalam hal ini adalah sumber daya manusianya (dukungan keahlian dan staff ahli). Jika kewenangan yang dimiliki DPD tidak dibarengi dengan kapabilitas DPD dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsi, maka sekuat apapun kewenangan yang dimiliki DPD akan menjadi hal yang percuma. Peningkatan kapabilitas DPD dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya menjadi sebuah wacana yang urgen untuk diteliti dan dikeluarkan solusi atas hal tersebut. Solusi yang ditawarkan juga harus secara komperhensif, sehingga mampu menghasilkan produk keluaran DPD pada bidang legislasi, pengawasan, dan keuangan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara akuntabel, professional, dan modern kepada rakyat. Maka dalam penelitian ini mengambil rumusan masalah. Mengapa DPD dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya perlu ditingkatkan, apa kendala yang dihadapi DPD dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya? serta bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan DPD dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya.           Tinjauan teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini pertama, teori kewenangan yang menganalisis kewenangan apa saja yang dimiliki oleh DPD sesuai dengan amanat UUD NRI 1945, kedua prinsip check and balances yang akan menjadi pisau analisis dalam membahas posisi DPD dalam parlemen. Ketiga teori peningkatan sumber daya manusia, dalam hal peningkatan ini tentunnya akan dikhususkan kepada kemampuan dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsi DPD serta pemanfaatan teknologi informasi sebagai basis kerja.   Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis-empiris, dengan maksud dan tujuan untuk menemukan fakta (fact-finding), kemudian diteruskan dengan menemukan masalah (problem-finding), kemudian mengidentifikasi masalah (problem-identification), dan kemudian mencari penyelesaian dari masalah (problem-solution). Maka pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan sosiologis. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif